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Arch. argent. pediatr ; 122(1): e202303034, feb. 2024. ilus
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1525833


La presentación bilateral del absceso periamigdalino es poco frecuente. Su abordaje es controversial y se discute si realizar amigdalectomía en caliente versus diferida. Se presenta el caso de un paciente de sexo masculino, de 14 años, con odinofagia, trismo y fiebre. Presentaba hipertrofia amigdalina bilateral, pilares abombados y edema de paladar blando. Tomografía computada: hipertrofia amigdalina bilateral, con realce poscontraste, ambas con colección, edema con moderada estenosis faríngea. Se decidió internación para tratamiento endovenoso y amigdalectomía con drenaje bilateral. Resolución completa del cuadro con alta a las 48 horas. Ante la presencia de un absceso periamigdalino, debe considerarse la posibilidad de un absceso contralateral oculto. Debe ser diagnosticado y tratado adecuadamente para prevenir complicaciones. La amigdalectomía en caliente podría ser un tratamiento seguro y debería ser considerado en pacientes que serán sometidos a anestesia para drenaje. La decisión final debe ser determinada para cada caso en particular.

The bilateral presentation of peritonsillar abscess is uncommon. Its management is controversial and it has been argued whether a quinsy tonsillectomy or an interval tonsillectomy should be performed. Here we describe the case of a 14-year-old boy with sore throat, trismus, and fever. He had bilateral tonsillar hypertrophy, convex arches, and soft palate edema. Computed tomography: bilateral tonsillar hypertrophy, with post-contrast enhancement, both with collection, edema with moderate pharyngeal stenosis. The patient was hospitalized for intravenous therapy and tonsillectomy with bilateral drainage resulting in a complete resolution of his condition and discharge at 48 hours. In the presence of a peritonsillar abscess, an unsuspected contralateral abscess should be considered. It should be diagnosed and managed adequately to prevent complications. Quinsy tonsillectomy could be safe and should be considered in patients who will undergo anesthesia for abscess drainage. The final decision should be made for each patient on an individual basis.

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Pharyngitis , Peritonsillar Abscess/surgery , Peritonsillar Abscess/diagnosis , Tonsillectomy/methods , Edema , Hypertrophy/complications
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BNUY, UY-BNMED | ID: biblio-1527679


Introducción: La enfermedad de Caffey es una patología ósea inflamatoria, rara, autolimitada, casi exclusiva de lactantes. Objetivos: Jerarquizar el abordaje diagnóstico de una patología poco frecuente. Caso clínico: 4 meses 22 días, varón, consulta por irritabilidad y edema de miembro inferior izquierdo de 4 días de evolución. Sin traumatismos ni fiebre. Examen físico: edema indurado en tercio medio e inferior de pierna izquierda, no rubor ni calor local. Dolor a la palpación de cara anterior y lateral de tibia y peroné. Limitación funcional, no resaltos óseos. Radiografía: engrosamiento del periostio en tibia y peroné a nivel diafisario. Hemograma: Glóbulos blancos 15.380 KU/L, Hemoglobina 10,8 g/dL, Plaquetas 816.400 10/ul, proteína C reactiva 13,90 mg/dl. Con planteo de probable infección osteoarticular se inicia clindamicina ( gentamicina e ingresa a cuidados moderados. Dada la persistencia de edema e irritabilidad, al quinto día se solicita resonancia magnética: hallazgos sugerentes de un probable proceso inflamatorio- infeccioso de partes blandas con compromiso óseo. Completa 14 días de clindamicina y 7 días de gentamicina intravenosa, hemocultivo negativo. Persiste con edema, irritabilidad y dolor. A los 21 días, se revalora la presentación clínica-imagenológica, se plantea enfermedad de Caffey. Se inicia anti-inflamatorio con buena evolución. Conclusiones: La enfermedad de Caffey es una colagenopatía rara, que afecta lactantes. El diagnóstico es clínico - radiológico (irritabilidad, tumefacción de partes blandas y alteraciones radiológicas). El pronóstico a largo plazo suele ser favorable. Es importante considerar el diagnóstico en lactantes que se presentan con esta sintomatología para evitar retrasos diagnósticos e instauración de tratamientos innecesarios.

Introduction: Caffey's disease is a rare disease that is reported almost exclusively in infants. Objective: Describe the case of a rare pathology, prioritizing the diagnostic approach. Clinical case: 4 month -old, healthy male. Consultation due to irritability and edema of the left lower limb for 4 days. No trauma or fever. Physical examination: indurated edema in the left leg, no redness or local heat. Pain on palpation of the anterior and lateral aspect of the tibia and fibula. Functional limitation, no bony protusions. Leg x-ray: thickening of the periosteum in the tibia and fibula at the diaphyseal level. Hemogram: White Blood Cells 15,380 KU/L Hemoglobin: 10.8 g/dL. Platelets: 816,400 10/ul, C-reactive protein: 13.90 mg/dl. He was admitted with a suggestion of probable osteoarticular infection. Clindamycin ( gentamicin is started. Given the persistence of edema and irritability despite treatment, on the fifth day an MRI was requested: findings suggestive of a probable inflammatory-infectious process of soft tissues with bone involvement. Completed 14 days of clindamycin and 7 days of intravenous gentamicin, blood culture negative. It persists with edema, irritability and pain. After 21 days, the clinical-imaging presentation was reassessed and Caffey's disease was considered. Anti-inflammatory begins with good evolution. Conclusions: Caffey's disease is a rare collagenopathy, that affects infants. The diagnosis is clinical - radiological (irritability, soft tissue swelling and radiological alterations). The long-term prognosis is usually favorable. It is important to consider the diagnosis in infants who present with these symptoms to avoid diagnostic delays and initiation of unnecessary treatments.

Introdução: A doença de Caffey é uma patologia óssea inflamatória rara, autolimitada, quase exclusiva de lactentes. Objetivos: Priorizar a abordagem diagnóstica de uma patologia rara. Caso clínico: 4 meses 22 dias, sexo masculino, consulta por irritabilidade e edema do membro inferior esquerdo de 4 dias de evolução. Sem trauma ou febre. Exame físico: edema endurecido em terço médio e inferior da perna esquerda, sem vermelhidão ou calor local. Dor à palpação das faces anterior e lateral da tíbia e fíbula. Limitação funcional, sem saliências ósseas. Radiografia: espessamento do periósteo na tíbia e fíbula ao nível diafisário. Hemograma: Glóbulos brancos 15.380 KU/L, Hemoglobina 10,8 g/dL, Plaquetas 816.400 10/ul, Proteína C reativa 13,90 mg/dl. Com sugestão de provável infecção osteoarticular, foi iniciada clindamicina + gentamicina e internado em cuidados moderados. Dada a persistência do edema e da irritabilidade, no quinto dia foi solicitada ressonância magnética: achados sugestivos de provável processo inflamatório-infeccioso de partes moles com envolvimento ósseo. Completou 14 dias de clindamicina e 7 dias de gentamicina intravenosa, hemocultura negativa. Persiste com edema, irritabilidade e dor. Após 21 dias, o quadro clínico-imagem foi reavaliado e considerada doença de Caffey. O antiinflamatório começa com uma boa evolução. Conclusões: A doença de Caffey é uma colagenopatia rara que afeta lactentes. O diagnóstico é clínico-radiológico (irritabilidade, edema de partes moles e alterações radiológicas). O prognóstico a longo prazo é geralmente favorável. É importante considerar o diagnóstico em lactentes que apresentam esses sintomas para evitar atrasos no diagnóstico e início de tratamentos desnecessários.

Humans , Male , Tibia/pathology , Hyperostosis, Cortical, Congenital/diagnostic imaging , Fibula/pathology , Pain/etiology , Edema/etiology , Inflammation/etiology , Anti-Inflammatory Agents/therapeutic use
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 121(2): e202202615, abr. 2023. tab, ilus
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1424924


La enfermedad de Graves es un proceso inmunomediado en el que autoanticuerpos se dirigen contra el receptor de tirotrofina. Por su acción estimulante sobre la glándula tiroides, se genera crecimiento glandular difuso y aumento de la hormonogénesis. Se caracteriza por el comienzo subagudo de síntomas constitucionales, neuromusculares, cardiovasculares, gastrointestinales y oculares, seguidos en algunos casos de la aparición de manifestaciones cutáneas como la dermopatía tiroidea o mixedema. En pediatría la enfermedad de Graves es infrecuente (aunque es la causa más frecuente de hipertiroidismo), pero la cronología de aparición de los síntomas está bien descrita; es rara la aparición de dermopatía en ausencia de otros síntomas de hipertiroidismo y sin afectación ocular. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 15 años con dermopatía tiroidea por enfermedad de Graves sin oftalmopatía ni otros síntomas de hipertiroidismo clínico asociados.

Graves disease is an immune-mediated process characterized by the presence of autoantibodies to thyrotropin receptors. Its stimulating action on the thyroid gland causes diffuse glandular growth and increased hormone production. Graves disease is characterized by a subacute onset of non-specific, neuromuscular, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and eye symptoms, sometimes followed by skin manifestations, such as thyroid dermopathy or myxedema. In pediatrics, Graves disease is rare (although it is the most frequent cause of hyperthyroidism). However, the chronology of symptom onset has been well described; the development of dermopathy in the absence of other symptoms of hyperthyroidism and without eye involvement is rare. Here we describe the case of a 15-year-old female patient with thyroid dermopathy due to Graves disease without eye disease or other associated clinical symptoms of hyperthyroidism.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Graves Disease/complications , Graves Disease/diagnosis , Eye Diseases/etiology , Hyperthyroidism/complications , Hyperthyroidism/diagnosis , Pain , Lower Extremity , Edema/diagnosis , Edema/etiology
Rev. méd. hered ; 34(1): 27-31, ene. - mar. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: biblio-1442073


La injuria renal aguda por glomerulopatía colapsante, presenta alta morbimortalidad, incluso con requerimiento de diálisis crónica; la Covid-19 es una de sus causas. Se presenta el caso de un paciente con Covid-19 y glomerulopatía colapsante. Varón de 17 años, sin antecedentes patológicos; con historia de cuatro meses de edema, orina espumosa y disminución del flujo urinario. Al examen: anasarca. Exámenes: creatinina 4,2 mg/dl, albumina 1,9 gr/dl, colesterol y triglicéridos aumentados; orina: proteinuria 6,7 gr/24h, leucocituria y hematuria con urocultivo negativo. Serología para VIH, sífilis y hepatitis negativos. Inmunología para lupus negativa, prueba rápida para la Covid-19 IgG (+). La biopsia renal mostró Glomeruloesclerosis Focal y Segmentaria, variante Colapsante. Recibió corticoides y ciclosporina. La creatinina mejoró, la proteinuria se mantiene >3 gr/24horas.

SUMMARY Acute renal injury due to collapsing glomerulonephritis is associated with high morbidity and mortality, requiring chronic dialysis, COVID-19 is one of its causes. A 17-year-old male patient presented with a four-month history of edema, foamy urine and reduction in the urine flow; anasarca was observed at physical examination. Laboratory values showed creatinine 4,2 mg/dl; albumin 1,9 gr/dl; cholesterol and triglycerides were high; proteinuria 6,7 gr/24h: leucocyturia and hematuria with negative urine culture. Serologies for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis were negative. Studies for systemic lupus were negative. An antigenic test for SARS-CoV-2 was positive as well as an IgG. Renal Biopsy showed Focal and Segmental Glomerulosclerosis, Collapsing variant. He received corticosteroids and cyclosporine. Creatinine improved; proteinuria remained >3 gr/24 hours.

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Glomerulosclerosis, Focal Segmental , Edema , Acute Kidney Injury
Journal of Southern Medical University ; (12): 1248-1253, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-987042


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the role of the SIRT1/NF-κB pathway in mediating the effect of puerarin against lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced acute kidney injury (AKI).@*METHODS@#Fifteen BALB/C mice were randomized into control group, LPS group and puerarin treatment group, and in the latter two groups, the mice were given an intraperitoneal injection of LPS (5 mg/kg), followed by daily injection of normal saline for 3 days or injection of puerarin (25 mg/kg) given 1 h later and then on a daily basis for 3 days. On day 5 after modeling, the kidney tissues were taken for histological observation and detection of cell apoptosis. The renal function indexes including urea nitrogen (BUN), serum creatinine (Scr) and kidney injury molecule 1 (KIM-1) and the levels of tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α) and interleukin 1β (IL-1β) were measured, and the expressions of SIRT1 and NF-κB-p65(acetyl K310) in the renal tissues were detected.@*RESULTS@#Intraperitoneal injection of LPS caused obvious glomerular capillary dilatation, hyperemia, renal interstitial edema, and renal tubular epithelial cell swelling and deformation in the mice. The mouse models of LPS-induced AKI also showed significantly increased renal tubular injury score and renal cell apoptosis (P < 0.01) with increased serum levels of BUN, Scr, KIM-1, TNF-α and IL-1β (P < 0.01), enhanced renal expressions of TNF-α, IL-1β and NF-κB p65(acetyl K310) (P < 0.01) and lowered renal expression of SIRT1 (P < 0.05). Treatment with puerarin effectively alleviated LPS-induced renal interstitial edema and renal tubular epithelial cell shedding, lowered renal tubular injury score (P < 0.01) and renal cell apoptosis rate (P < 0.01), and decreased serum levels of BUN, Scr, KIM, TNF-α and IL-1β (P < 0.01). Puerarin treatment significantly reduced TNF-α, IL-1β and NF-κB p65 (acetyl K310) expression in the renal tissue (P < 0.05) and increased SIRT1 expression by 17% (P < 0.05) in the mouse models.@*CONCLUSION@#Puerarin can effectively alleviate LPS-induced AKI in mice possibly by modulating the SIRT1/NF-κB signaling pathway.

Animals , Mice , Mice, Inbred BALB C , NF-kappa B , Lipopolysaccharides , Sirtuin 1 , Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha , Acute Kidney Injury , Disease Models, Animal , Edema
China Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology ; (12): 525-531, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981727


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the relationship between bone marrow edema and pathological changes, symptoms and signs of severe knee osteoarthritis.@*METHODS@#From January 2020 to March 2021, 160 patients with severe knee osteoarthritis who underwrent MRI of the knee at the Department of Bone and Joint, Wangjing Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences were included. Eighty patients with bone marrow edema were selected as the case group, including 12 males and 68 females, aged from 51 to 80 years old with an average of (66.58±8.10) years old, the duration of disease 5 to 40 months with an average of (15.61±9.25) months. Eighty patients without bone marrow edema were selected as the control group, including 15 males and 65 females, aged from 50 to 80 years old with an average of (67.82±8.05) years old, the duration of disease 6 to 37 months with an average of (15.75±8.18) months, BMI was (28.26±3.13) kg·m-2 ranged from 21.39 to 34.46 kg·m-2. The degree of bone marrow edema was evaluated by knee whole oragan magnetic resonance imaging score (WORMS). The degree of knee osteoarthritis was evaluated by Kellgren- Lawrence(K-L) grade and Western Ontario and McMaster University Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC). The degree of joint pain was evaluated by visual analogue scale(VAS) and WOMAC pain score, the joint signs were evaluated by tenderness, percussion pain, joint swelling and joint range of motion. To explore the relationship between bone marrow edema and knee osteoarthritis, the prevalence of bone marrow edema and K-L grade were compared between the two groups. Furthermore the WORMS score and WOMAC index, pain-related score, and sign-related score correlation coefficient were analyzed to further explore the relationship between bone marrow edema and knee osteoarthritis index, joint pain symptoms and signs.@*RESULTS@#There was 68.75% (55/80) of the patients in the case group were in K-L grade Ⅳ, and 52.5% (42/80) in the control group, indicating a higher proportion of patients with grade Ⅳ in the case group than the control group (χ2=4.425, P<0.05). In the case group, there was a strong correlation between bone marrow edema WORMS score and knee osteoarthritis WOMAC index. (r=0.873>0.8, P<0.001), a moderate correlation between WORMS score and VAS score and WOMAC pain score(r=0.752, 0.650>0.5, P<0.001), a moderate correlation between WORMS score and percussion pain score (r=0.784>0.5, P<0.001), and a weak correlation between WORMS score and VAS and tenderness score, joint swelling score and joint range of motion score (r=0.194, 0.259, 0.296<0.3, P<0.001).@*CONCLUSION@#Our study suggests that severe knee osteoarthritis is associated with an increased risk of bone marrow edema. Bone marrow edema can also lead to knee osteoarthritis joint pain, with percussion pain being a positive sign, but tenderness, joint swelling and limitation of activity are not significantly related to bone marrow edema.

Male , Female , Humans , Osteoarthritis, Knee/pathology , Bone Marrow/pathology , Knee Joint/diagnostic imaging , Bone Marrow Diseases/etiology , Pain/pathology , Arthralgia , Edema/pathology
China Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology ; (12): 371-375, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981699


OBJECTIVE@#To explore relationship between bone marrow edema(BME) and osteoporosis in patients with severe knee osteoarthritis.@*METHODS@#Unmatched case-control study was conducted. Totally 160 patients with severe knee osteoarthritis who had undergone knee magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and bone mineral density examination (BMD) from January 2020 to March 2021 were included. Eighty patients complicated with BME were included in BME group, and 80 patients without BME were selected as NBME group. In BME group, there were 12 males and 68 females, aged from 51 to 80 years old with an average of(66.58±8.10) years old;the courses of disease ranged from 5 to 40 months with an average of (15.61±9.25) months;body mass index(BMI) ranged from 21.81 to 34.70 with an average of (27.79±3.00) kg·m-2;25 patients classified to grade Ⅲ and 55 patients grade Ⅳ according to Kellgren- Lawrence(K-L). In NBME group, there were 15 males and 65 females, aged from 50 to 80 years old with an average of(67.82±8.05) years old;the course of disease ranged from 6 to 37 months with an average of(15.75±8.18) months;BMI ranged from 21.39 to 34.46 with an average of (28.26±3.13) kg·m-2;25 patients were K-L Ⅲ and 55 patients with K-L Ⅳ. The degree of bone marrow edema was evaluated by knee whole oragan magnetic resonance imaging score(WORMS). Osteoporosis was diagnosed and BMD was evaluated by DXA T value. To explore the relationship between bone marrow edema and osteoporosis by comparing prevalence rate of osteoporosis between two groups, and to further explore relationship between BME and BMD by Spearman correlation analysis of BME WORMS score and DXA T value in BME group.@*RESULTS@#The complete case data were obtained on the first diagnosis, and there was no significant difference in sex, age, courses of disease and BMI between two groups (P>0.05). The proportion of K-L Ⅳ in BME group was significantly higher than that in NBME (P<0.05). The prevalence rate of osteoporosis in BME group was significantly higher than in NBME group with the same K-L grade (P<0.001), and there was a strong negative correlation between BME WORMS score and DXA BMD T value (r=-0.812, |r|=0.812 >0.8, P<0.001).@*CONCLUSION@#Osteoporosis is one of the risk factors of bone marrow edema in patients with severe knee osteoarthritis, and the lower the bone mineral density is, the easier it is to be complicated with bone marrow edema.

Male , Female , Humans , Osteoarthritis, Knee/diagnostic imaging , Bone Marrow/pathology , Case-Control Studies , Bone Marrow Diseases/etiology , Osteoporosis/complications , Edema/etiology , Magnetic Resonance Imaging/methods
Acta Academiae Medicinae Sinicae ; (6): 167-170, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970463


POEMS syndrome is a rare disease caused by monoclonal plasma cell proliferative disorder.The typical signs include peripheral neuropathy,organ enlargement,endocrine disease,M proteinemia,and skin changes.In clinical practice,the atypical,complex,and changeable clinical manifestations of this syndrome can easily lead to misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis.A case of POEMS syndrome with peripheral edema and ascites as the main manifestations is reported in this paper.

Humans , Ascites/etiology , POEMS Syndrome/diagnosis , Edema/diagnosis , Skin
Braz. J. Anesth. (Impr.) ; 73(5): 626-634, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520352


Abstract Background: The present study investigated the effects of pulsed and continuous ultrasound (USP and USC) in edema and hyperalgesia after chronic inflammatory process induced by Complete Freund's Adjuvant-CFA and analyzing the relationship of the application frequency of ultrasound, in pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine production. Methods: Forty-five animals were divided into 9 groups; all animals from groups 2 to 9 were subjected to a persistent inflammation model induced by CFA in mice. We report the effects and the underlying action mechanisms of USP and USC in the animals which were irradiated two, three or five times a week on the left hind paw. The analyses performed in this study were: evaluation of hind paw edema through the plethysmometer, evaluation of thermal hyperalgesia through withdrawal test using a water container at 44.5°C (± 0.5°C), and the plantar region of the left paw which was removed for analysis of cytokines. Results: Our results showed that USP and USC consistently reduced paw edema, and pulsed ultrasound showed a higher significant effect than the continuous mode. Moreover, groups with irradiation frequency of five times a week presented an inhibition of the edema, and groups with frequency of three or two times a week reduced mainly hyperalgesia, in comparison with the control group. The beneficial effects of the US then seem to be associated with upregulation of anti- and pro-inflammatory mediators, such as IL-10 and IL-6, respectively. Conclusion: This study provided evidence that ultrasound constitutes an important non-pharmacological intervention for the management of inflammatory and pain states.

Rats , Ultrasonic Therapy , Rehabilitation , Edema , Pain Management
J. Health Biol. Sci. (Online) ; 10(1): 1-6, 01/jan./2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1411567


Objetivo: avaliar a relação entre a qualidade de vida e o tempo de espera para a realização de artroplastia total do joelho (ATJ) em pacientes usuários do sistema público de saúde. Método: estudo observacional, retrospectivo, do tipo corte transversal, entre janeiro a junho de 2021. Foram incluídos no estudo os pacientes com idade igual ou superior a 50 anos que adentraram em fila de espera para tratamento cirúrgico por artroplastia total do joelho, desde setembro de 2018, em um hospital público terciário. Os dados foram coletados por meio de questionário desenvolvido e validado pelo próprio serviço de psicologia da instituição e processados por meio de estatística descritiva e inferencial. Resultados: trinta pacientes participaram da pesquisa, com idade de 67 ± 6,63 anos, 70% do sexo feminino com renda mensal média de R$1.558,00. Quanto ao tempo de espera pela ATJ, 56,67% dos pacientes esperaram até 90 dias; 16,67% entre 90 e 180 dias e 26,67% esperaram mais de 180 dias. Foi demonstrada melhora significativa entre as condições clínicas pré e pós ATJ, como mobilidade, edema, rigidez matinal e dor. A redução da dor foi preditora significativamente mais associada com a satisfação com o procedimento. Análise de regressão verificou que os piores resultados foram encontrados nos pacientes que esperaram por mais de 90 dias pela ATJ. Conclusão: o tempo de espera causa um impacto significativo no cotidiano dos pacientes submetidos à ATJ. Quanto maior o tempo de espera, piores são os resultados funcionais, a satisfação e a qualidade de vida desses pacientes.

Objective: to evaluate the relationship between quality of life and waiting time for total knee arthroplasty (TKA) in patients using the public health system. Method: an observational, retrospective, cross-sectional study from January to June 2021. Patients aged 50 years or older who joined the waiting list for surgical treatment for total knee arthroplasty in September 2018 in a tertiary public hospital were included in the study. Data were collected using a questionnaire developed and validated by the institution's own psychology service and processed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: thirty patients participated in the research, aged 67 ± 6.63 years, 70% female, and with a mean monthly income of R$1,558.00. Regarding the waiting time for TKA, 56.67% of patients waited up to 90 days; 16.67% between 90 and 180 days, and 26.67% waited more than 180 days. Significant improvement was demonstrated between pre-and post-TKA clinical conditions, such as mobility, edema, morning stiffness, and pain. Pain reduction was significantly more predictor associated with satisfaction with the procedure. Regression analysis found that the worst outcomes were found in patients who waited longer than 90 days for TKA. Conclusion: waiting time has a significant impact on the daily lives of patients undergoing TKR. The longer the waiting time, the worse are the functional results, satisfaction, and quality of life of these patients.

Arthroplasty , Arthroplasty, Replacement, Knee , Pain , Patients , Quality of Life , Unified Health System , Public Health , Edema , Hospitals, Public , Knee
Cambios rev med ; 21(2): 878, 30 Diciembre 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1415283


INTRODUCCIÓN. La mastitis granulomatosa idiopática es una patología inflamatoria benigna de mama con clínica y hallazgos imagenológicos no específicos; usualmente confundida con cáncer de mama. El síntoma más frecuente es una masa mamaria palpable. El diagnóstico es histopatológico. OBJETIVO. Describir el perfil demográfico, presentación clínica y hallazgos radiográficos de pacientes con diagnóstico histopatológico de mastitis granulomatosa idiopática. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS. Estudio observacional, descriptivo, retrospectivo. Población de 1130 y muestra de 49 datos de historias clínicas electrónicas de pacientes con diagnóstico histológico de mastitis granulomatosa idiopática con el código CIE10 N61x Trastornos Inflamatorios de la mama, atendidas en la Unidad Técnica de Imagenología del Hospital de Especialidades Carlos Andrade Marín en la ciudad de Quito entre enero 2019 hasta diciembre 2021. El criterio de inclusión fue la confirmación histopatológica de mastitis granulomatosa idiopática. Los criterios de exclusión: antecedentes de neoplasia maligna de mama, antecedentes de HIV, patología inflamatoria sistémica como granulomatosis de Wegener, sarcoidosis, infecciones granulomatosas crónicas como tuberculosis, brucelosis, histoplasmosis, sífilis y reacciones a cuerpos extraños como material de implantes mamarios. Se analizaron datos demográficos, presentación clínica, hallazgos mamográficos, ecográficos y la categorización BIRADS. Se efectuó un análisis univarial; para las variables cualitativas se realizó frecuencias y porcentajes; para las variables cuantitativas se realizó medidas de tendencia central. La información recolectada fue analizada en el programa estadístico International Business Machines Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. RESULTADOS La mediana de la edad fue 36 años. El 94,00% de pacientes tenían por lo menos un hijo; 77,50% presentaron con una masa palpable; 55,10% se acompañaron de signos inflamatorios; 16,00% asociaron fístulas y 24,40% presentaron secreción. Solo 1 caso presentó afectación bilateral. CONCLUSIÓN En este estudio, la mastitis granulomatosa idiopática afecta a mujeres en edad reproductiva sin antecedentes de malignidad quienes presentan una masa mamaria palpable que puede estar acompañada de signos inflamatorios, colecciones y fístulas. La realización de una biopsia core eco guiada, para confirmar su diagnóstico.

INTRODUCTION. Idiopathic granulomatous mastitis is a benign inflammatory breast pathology with nonspecific clinical and imaging findings; usually mistaken for breast cancer. The most frequent symptom is a palpable breast mass. The diagnosis is histopathologic. OBJECTIVE. To describe the demographic profile, clinical presentation and radiographic findings of patients with histopathologic diagnosis of idiopathic granulomatous mastitis. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Observational, descriptive, retrospective study. Population of 1130 and sample of 49 data from electronic medical records of patients with histological diagnosis of idiopathic granulomatous mastitis with ICD10 code N61x Inflammatory disorders of the breast, attended at the Technical Imaging Unit of the Carlos Andrade Marín Specialties Hospital in the city of Quito between January 2019 and December 2021. The inclusion criterion was histopathological confirmation of idiopathic granulomatous mastitis. Exclusion criteria: history of malignant breast neoplasia, history of HIV, systemic inflammatory pathology such as Wegener's granulomatosis, sarcoidosis, chronic granulomatous infections such as tuberculosis, brucellosis, histoplasmosis, syphilis and reactions to foreign bodies such as breast implant material. Demographic data, clinical presentation, mammographic and ultrasound findings and BIRADS categorization were analyzed. Univariate analysis was performed; frequencies and percentages were used for qualitative variables; measures of central tendency were used for quantitative variables. RESULTS. The median age was 36 years. 94,00% of patients had at least one child; 77,50% presented with a palpable mass; 55,10% were accompanied by inflammatory signs; 16,00% were associated with fistulas and 24,40% presented with discharge. Only 1 case presented bilateral involvement. CONCLUSION. In this study, idiopathic granulomatous mastitis affects women of reproductive age with no history of malignancy who present with a palpable breast mass that may be accompanied by inflammatory signs, collections and fistulas. The performance of an echo-guided core biopsy to confirm the diagnosis.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Breast Diseases , Mammography , Ultrasonography, Mammary , Granulomatous Mastitis , Biopsy, Large-Core Needle , Mastitis , Pathology , Hyperprolactinemia , Colony-Stimulating Factors , Breast Implantation , Ecuador , Edema , Erythema , Image-Guided Biopsy , Fistula , Hyperemia , Nipples
Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 44(3): 304-310, Mar. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1387875


Abstract Objective To review data on the use of corticosteroids for the treatment of fetuses with high-risk congenital pulmonary adenomatoid malformation (CPAM). Methods Integrative review based on the literature available onMEDLINE and LILACS, including articles published until November, 2020. Results The initial search resulted in 87 articles, 4 of which were selected for analysis, with all of them being retrospective descriptive observational studies. In the group of fetuses that received only a single corticosteroid cycle, the hydrops resolution rate was 70%, and the survival rate was 83.8%. In fetuses treated with 2 or more cycles of corticosteroids, there was an improvement in the condition of hydrops or edema in a single body compartment in 47%, and survival of 81.8% of the fetuses. Conclusion The use of corticosteroids for the prenatal treatment of high-risk CPAM appears to be associated with an improvement in perinatal outcomes.

Resumo Objetivo Revisar os dados sobre o uso de corticoide no tratamento de fetos com malformação adenomatoide pulmonar congênita (MAPC) de alto risco. Métodos Revisão integrativa com base na literatura disponível no MEDLINE e LILACS, incluindo artigos publicados até novembro de 2020. Resultados A busca inicial resultou em 87 artigos, dos quais 4 foram selecionados para análise, todos tratando-se de estudos observacionais descritivos retrospectivos. No grupo de fetos que recebeu apenas um único ciclo de corticosteroide, a taxa de resolução da hidropsia foi de 70% e a taxa de sobrevida de 83,8%. Emfetos tratados com 2 ou mais ciclos de corticosteroides, houve melhora do quadro de hidropsia ou edema em um único compartimento corporal em 47% dos fetos e taxa de sobrevida de 81,8%. Conclusão O uso de corticosteroides para o tratamento pré-natal da MAPC de alto risco parece estar associado à melhora dos resultados perinatais.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Betamethasone , Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation of Lung, Congenital , Adrenal Cortex Hormones , Edema , Fetus/abnormalities
Rev. Ciênc. Méd. Biol. (Impr.) ; 20(4): 568-574, fev 11, 2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1359326


Introdução: o Brasil é o quarto país em casos de Hemofilia A. O tratamento é infundir o fator de coagulação ausente. Reações ao uso do fator podem incluir manifestações alérgicas, doenças virais transfusionais e aloanticorpos. Objetivo: analisar o perfil epidemiológico de pacientes com Hemofilia A, e as doenças associadas ao uso do fator VIII e fator VIII recombinante. Metodologia: estudo transversal descritivo e retrospectivo. A coleta de dados foi realizada nos prontuários de pacientes com diagnóstico de hemofilia A, preenchidos com mais de 70% das informações, na Fundação Hospitalar de Hematologia e Hemoterapia do Amazonas, Brasil. Resultados: o Ministério da Saúde identificou no Estado do Amazonas, o registro de 276 indivíduos com diagnóstico de Hemofilia A. Incluídos para análise neste estudo 164 prontuários. Características sociodemográficas: homens 99,4%, adolescentes (28%) e jovens (26,8%); de cor parda 67,1%, ensino fundamental incompleto 28,6% e, exercendo a ocupação de estudante 42,7%. Condição clínica: 36,6% classificados com hemofilia A grave. Todos os pacientes tiveram diagnóstico clínico e laboratorial. O parentesco mais comum é o de irmãos com 35,3%. Sintomas predominantes: hemartrose 45,4%; dor 31,9%; edema 24% e artropatia 8,5%. O fator VIII recombinante, administrado em 34,8% dos pacientes, enquanto o fator VIII plasmático em 28,0%. Administrados doses de 2000UI a 2999UI. As complicações: artralgia 77,4% e hemorragia 77,4%. Conclusão: cuidados qualificados dos profissionais de saúde auxiliam na prevenção de complicações sérias, resultando em qualidade de vida ao hemofílico.

Introduction: Brazil is the fourth country in cases of Hemophilia A. The treatment is to infuse the missing clotting factor. Reactions to the use of the factor can include, allergic manifestations, transfusion viral diseases and alloantibodies. Objective: analyze the epidemiological profile of patients with Hemophilia A, and the diseases associated with the use of factor VIII and recombinant factor VIII. Methodology: descriptive and retrospective cross-sectional study. Data collection was carried out in the medical records of patients diagnosed with hemophilia A, filled with more than 70% of the information, at the Fundação Hospitalar de Hematologia e Hemoterapia do Amazonas, Brazil. Results: in the Ministry of Health of Brazil, it was identified, for the State from Amazonas, the registry of 276 individuals diagnosed with Hemophilia A. Included in the analysis for this study, 164 medical records. Sociodemographic characteristics: male, 99.4%, adolescents (28%) and young people (26.8%), brown skin color, 67.1%, incomplete elementary school, 28.6%, and working as a student, 42.7%. Clinical condition: 36.6% classified with severe hemophilia A. All patients had a clinical and laboratory diagnosis. The most common kinship is that of brothers, 35.3%. Predominant symptoms: hemarthrosis 45.4%, pain 31.9%, edema 24% and arthropathy 8.5%. Recombinant factor VIII, administered in 34.8% of patients, while plasma factor VIII in 28.0%. Doses of 2000 IU to 2999 IU were administered. Complications: arthralgia 77.4% and hemorrhage 77.4%. Conclusion: qualified care by health professionals helps to prevent serious complications, resulting in quality of life for the hemophiliac.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Health Profile , Factor VIII , Arthralgia , Edema , Hemarthrosis , Hemophilia A , Hemorrhage , Joint Diseases , Medical Records , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies
Acta sci., Health sci ; 44: e58739, Jan. 14, 2022.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1366303


To analyze the prevalence and characteristics of late postoperative complications of orthopedic surgeries by video arthroscopy.This was a descriptive cross-sectional study that evaluated, through its own instrument, local and systemic postoperative complications of patients undergoing orthopedic surgeries by video arthroscopy. The study included 270 patients, who were evaluated on days 30(without prosthesis) and 90(with prosthesis placement) of the postoperative period, by telephone service. The selection of participants occurred sequentially and population-based, within the data collection period, from February to July 2020, in a large hospital for medium and high complexity surgeries. Of the 270 procedures performed in the period, 4.4% (n = 12) presented late postoperative infection. The most frequent complications were erythema (83%), edema (75%) and secretion (67%) in the surgical wound. Most used antibiotic therapy (92%) and anti-inflammatory drugs (67%). Hospital readmission was not necessary concerning the complications. Only 50% required medical evaluation before the scheduled time.The need for practices that ensure the quality of perioperative care and improve the active search to assess surgical outcomes is reinforced.

Humans , Postoperative Period , Arthroscopy/nursing , Arthroscopy/instrumentation , Infection Control/instrumentation , Orthopedic Procedures/nursing , Surgical Wound Infection/nursing , Bacterial Infections/nursing , Wounds and Injuries/nursing , Nursing , Bodily Secretions , Orthopedic Procedures/instrumentation , Edema/nursing , Erythema/nursing , Infections/complications
J. vasc. bras ; 21: e20210101, 2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360564


Resumo Contexto A gravidez é caracterizada por mudanças fisiológicas que podem contribuir para o desenvolvimento de varizes, insuficiência venosa e edema das pernas. Objetivos Avaliar o efeito das meias de compressão em edema de membros inferiores e a percepção sobre o uso por gestantes. Métodos Trata-se de um ensaio clínico randomizado, controlado, prospectivo, paralelo e cego realizado com 60 mulheres grávidas distribuídas aleatoriamente em dois grupos: grupo intervenção (n = 30), que usou meias de compressão, e grupo controle (n = 30). Foram realizadas medições padronizadas de tornozelo e panturrilha, empregando-se fita métrica, em todos os 120 membros inferiores. No final do estudo, foi aplicado também um questionário para verificação das dificuldades e vantagens percebidas com relação ao uso das meias de compressão. Resultados As gestantes do grupo intervenção apresentaram aumento significativamente menor (p < 0,05) nos diâmetros de panturrilha e tornozelo em relação ao grupo controle. As diferenças médias, no início e no final da gestação, nos diâmetros de panturrilha direita, panturrilha esquerda, tornozelo direito e tornozelo esquerdo foram de, respectivamente, 0,30 cm, 0,30 cm, 0,15 cm e 0,15 cm no grupo intervenção e 1,95 cm, 1,95 cm, 1,73 cm e 1,87 cm no grupo controle. A maioria das gestantes não teve dificuldade para utilizar as meias de compressão, e todas relataram que sentiram diferença nos sintomas das pernas e que usariam as meias novamente. Conclusões As meias de compressão foram eficazes na prevenção de edema em membros inferiores de gestantes, as quais apresentaram percepção positiva quanto à sua utilização.

Abstract Background Pregnancy is characterized by physiological changes that can contribute to development of varicose veins, venous insufficiency, and leg edema. Objectives To evaluate the effect of compression stocking on lower limb edema in pregnant women and their perceptions of wearing them. Methods This was a randomized, controlled, prospective, parallel, blinded clinical trial conducted with 60 pregnant women randomly distributed into two groups: an intervention group (n = 30) wearing compression stockings and a control group (n = 30). Standardized ankle and calf measurements were taken of all 120 lower limbs using a tape measure. At the end of the study, a questionnaire was administered to identify perceived difficulties and advantages related to wearing compression stockings. Results Pregnant women in the intervention group had a significantly smaller increase (p < 0.05) in calf and ankle diameters compared to those in the control group. The mean differences from the beginning to the end of gestation in the diameters of the right calf, left calf, right ankle, and left ankle respectively were 0.30 cm, 0.30 cm, 0.15, cm and 0.15 cm in the intervention group and 1.95 cm, 1.95 cm, 1.73 cm, and 1.87 cm in the control group. Most of the pregnant women had no difficulty wearing the compression stockings and all reported that they felt a difference in leg symptoms and would wear stockings again. Conclusions Compression stockings were effective for preventing lower limb edema in pregnant women, who had a positive perception of wearing them.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Efficacy , Edema/prevention & control , Stockings, Compression , Varicose Veins/prevention & control , Body Weights and Measures , Prospective Studies , Patient Satisfaction
Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 81: e0005, 2022. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360915


ABSTRACT Objective: To describe the upper and lower blepharoplasty technique associated with canthopexy with double pre septal orbicularis muscle elevation with a single suture in order to evaluate the efficacy of the technique. Methods: This is a retrospective study in which the medical records of 5,882 patients who underwent this technique between January 1999 and July 2015 were evaluated. The frequency and main causes of clinical complications and surgical reoperation were analyzed. Results: The incidence of complications found was 12.7% (n=750), being 0.8% (n=47) due to persistent chemosis, 3% (n=176) due to poor lower eyelid positioning, 4.17% (n=245) due to mild eyelid retraction and 4.8% (n=282) because of mild to moderate chemosis. Conclusion: The technique appears to be effective as it is simple and practical, and capable of resulting in positive functional and aesthetic outcomes with low rates of complications.

RESUMO Objetivo: Descrever a técnica de blefaroplastia superior e inferior associada à cantopexia associada à dupla elevação do músculo orbicular pré-septal em uma única sutura e avaliar sua eficácia. Métodos: Trata-se de estudo retrospectivo, no qual foram avaliados 5.882 prontuários de pacientes submetidos à blefaroplastia superior e inferior com a utilização da cantopexia, entre janeiro de 1999 e julho de 2015. Taxas e principais causas de complicações clínicas e reintervenção cirúrgica foram analisadas. Resultados: A incidência de complicações encontradas foi de 12,7% (n=750), sendo 0,8% (n=47) de caso de quemose persistente, 3% (n=176) de mau posicionamento palpebral inferior (ectrópio), 4,17% (n=245) de leve retração pálpebra e 4,8% (n=282) de quemose leve a moderada. Conclusão: A técnica mostra-se eficaz por ser simples e prática, podendo ter resultados funcionais e estéticos positivos e com baixo índice de complicações.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Blepharoptosis/surgery , Suture Techniques , Blepharoplasty/adverse effects , Blepharoplasty/methods , Eyelid Diseases/surgery , Postoperative Complications/etiology , Skin Aging , Medical Records , Retrospective Studies , Conjunctival Diseases/etiology , Edema/etiology , Eyelids/surgery , Facial Muscles/surgery
China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica ; (24): 1409-1414, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-928067


Baimai is a complex of structure and function with the characteristics of wide distribution, complex structure, and multi-dimensional functions. Baimai, consisting of the channels in brain, the internal hidden channels connecting the viscera, and the external channels linking the limbs, governs the sensory, motor, and information transmission functions of human. According to Tibetan medicine, Baimai functions via "Long"(Qi) which moves in Baimai. "Long" is rough, light, cold, tiny, hard, and dynamic. The dysfunction of Baimai is manifested as numbness, swelling and pain, stiffness, atrophy, contracture, disability, hyperactivity, etc. The clinical manifestations of Baimai disease are facial paralysis, limb numbness, hemiplegia, contracture and rigidity, pain, opistho-tonos, paralysis, unconsciousness, head tremor, aphasia and tongue stiffness, and other abnormalities in facial consciousness, limb movement, and tactile sensation. Baimai Ointment for external use is used for the treatment of Baimai disease. It is mainly composed of medicinals which are spicy and bitter, warm, soft, mild, heavy, moist, and stable, and thus it is effective for the rough, light, cold, tiny, hard, and dynamic "Long" of Baimai disease. In clinical practice, it is mainly used for musculoskeletal diseases, such as osteoarthritis, scapulohumeral periarthritis, cervical spondylosis, low back pain, myofascitis, and tenosynovitis, nervous system diseases, such as paralysis and shoulder-hand syndrome, and limb stiffness caused by stroke, spastic cerebral palsy, trigeminal neuralgia, and facial neuritis, and limb motor and sensory dysfunction caused by trauma. According to the main symptoms of Baimai disease such as stiffness, rigidity, contraction, numbness, sensory disturbance and pain, clinicians should apply the Baimai Ointment via the inunction treatment of Tibetan medicine and in combination with Huo'ermai therapy and physiotherapy.

Humans , Drugs, Chinese Herbal , Edema , Medicine, Tibetan Traditional , Pain
China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica ; (24): 764-775, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-927960


The core prescriptions and formulation characteristics in the treatment of edema by traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) masters were analyzed through data mining and their mechanisms were explored by network pharmacology. We collected journal reports on the treatment of edema by TCM masters in three sessions from China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI) and constructed a database by Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance Support System 3.0. The prescriptions in the case studies were analyzed by association rules and k-means clustering. The chemical components and targets of Chinese medicines in core prescriptions were collected through TCMSP and TCMID. Edema-related targets were collected from DrugBank and GeneCards. The protein-protein interaction(PPI) network was constructed by STRING and the core targets were screened out. FunRich 3.1.3 was used to enrich the expression sites of core prescriptions. Metascape was used to perform Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes(KEGG) enrichment analysis of intersection targets. Cytoscape 3.6.0 was used to visualize the "Chinese medicine-active ingredient-core target-pathway" network. The results showed that 315 pieces of medical records in the treatment of edema by TCM masters were obtained and five core prescriptions were analyzed by association rules and k-means clustering. Core prescription 1 contained Poria, Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma, Astragali Radix, Alismatis Rhizoma, Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma, and Codonopsis Radix, involving 166 chemical components and 1 125 targets. Core prescription 2 contained Astragali Radix, Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix et Rhizoma, Poria, Chuanxiong Rhizoma, Paeoniae Radix Rubra, and Angelicae Sinensis Radix, involving 138 chemical components and 1 112 targets. Core prescription 3 contained Poria, Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix et Rhizoma, Astragali Radix, Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma, Alismatis Rhizoma, and Coicis Semen, involving 126 chemical components and 1 121 targets. Core prescription 4 contained Poria, Forsythiae Fructus, Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma, Imperatae Rhizoma, Cicadae Periostracum, and Coicis Semen, involving 58 chemical components and 820 targets. Core prescription 5 contained Poria, Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma, Astragali Radix, Alismatis Rhizoma, Trionycis Carapax, and Dioscoreae Rhizoma, involving 68 chemical components and 919 targets. The core targets of core prescriptions included AKT1, ALB, CASP3, MAPK3, EGFR, SRC, MAPK1, and TNF. The potential targets of core prescriptions in the treatment were highly expressed in the stomach, bladder, lung, and kidney. KEGG pathways were enriched in inflammation and cell cycle pathways, especially the inflammation-relation pathways. The therapeutic effect of core prescriptions on edema is presumedly achieved by tonifying the spleen, draining water, activating blood, and benefiting Qi to resist inflammation and regulate the immune system. This study is expected to provide references for the summary of TCM masters' experience and new drug development.

Humans , Data Mining , Drugs, Chinese Herbal/pharmacology , Edema/drug therapy , Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Prescriptions , Rhizome
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 21(4): 6-13, out.-dez. 2021. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1391244


Complicações pós-operatórias como edema, dor e trismo são comuns em cirurgias orais. Terapias, como o uso de analgésicos e anti-inflamatórios, são indicadas para estas complicações. No entanto, intervenções pré-operatórias podem ser alternativas. Desta forma, o presente estudo avaliou o efeito da dexametasona no edema, intensidade de dor e abertura de boca (trismo) no pós-operatório de retirada de terceiros molares inferiores. Pacientes (n=14, 9 mulheres) foram incluídos em um estudo clínico, cruzado, cego, randomizado, placebo-controlado e boca dividida. Pacientes receberam aleatoriamente medicação preemptiva (dexametasona 8mg, intramuscular, músculo masseter) ou placebo (soro fisiológico) uma hora antes da primeira cirurgia. O procedimento contralateral foi realizado 21 dias após. Avaliou se o edema e a abertura bucal nos momentos pré-operatórios e no 3º e 7º dias pós-operatórios, além de dor espontânea (imediatamente, 2 e 24 horas, 3 dias e 7 dias). Os dados foram analisados usando anova de medidas repetidas seguida do teste post hoc LSD de Fisher. Comparado ao placebo, a medicação reduziu edema (3 dias), dor (2 e 24 horas) e trismo (3 dias). Os resultados sugerem que o uso preemptivo da dexametasona intramuscular é capaz de aumentar o bem-estar dos pacientes submetidos a cirurgias orais, tendo o potencial de reduzir os custos pós-operatórios... (AU)

Postoperative complications such as edema, pain, and trismus are common in oral surgery. Therapies, such as the use of painkillers and anti inflammatory drugs, are indicated for the reversal of these complications. However, preoperative (preemptive) interventions can be alternatives. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate the effect of dexamethasone on edema, pain intensity, and mouth opening (trismus) in the postoperative period of removal of impacted lower third molars. Patients (n = 14, 9 women) were included in a clinical, crossover, blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled, and divided mouth study. Preemptive mediation (dexamethasone 8mg, intramuscular, masseter muscle) or placebo (saline) was randomly given before the first surgery. The contralateral procedure was performed 21 days later. In the postoperative period, edema, mouth opening (preoperative, 3 and 7 days), and spontaneous pain (immediately, 2 and 24 hours, 3 days and 7 days) were analyzed. The data were analyzed using the one-way repeated measures ANOVA followed by Fisher's LSD post hoc. Compared to placebo, the medication reduced edema (3 days), pain (2 and 24 hours), and trismus (3 days). The results suggest that the preemptive use of dexamethasone is able to increase the well-being of patients undergoing oral surgeries, with the potential to reduce postoperative costs... (AU)

Las complicaciones posoperatorias como hinchazón, dolor y trismo son comunes en las cirugías orales. Las terapias, como el uso de analgésicos y antiinflamatorios, están indicadas para estas complicaciones. Sin embargo, las intervenciones preoperatorias pueden ser alternativas. Así, el presente estudio evaluó el efecto de la dexametasona sobre el edema, la intensidad del dolor y la apertura de la boca (trismo) en el postoperatorio de remoción del tercer molar inferior. Los pacientes (n = 14, 9 mujeres) se incluyeron en un estudio clínico, cruzado, ciego, aleatorizado, controlado con placebo y de boca dividida. Los pacientes recibieron aleatoriamente medicación preventiva (8 mg de dexametasona, intramuscular, músculo masetero) o placebo (solución salina) una hora antes de la primera cirugía. El procedimiento contralateral se realizó 21 días después. Se evaluó el edema y la apertura de la boca en el preoperatorio y en el tercer y séptimo días postoperatorios, además del dolor espontáneo (inmediato, 2 y 24 horas, 3 días y 7 días). Los datos se analizaron utilizando anova de medidas repetidas seguido de la prueba post hoc de LSD de Fisher. En comparación con el placebo, el medicamento redujo el edema (3 días), el dolor (2 y 24 horas) y el trismo (3 días). Los resultados sugieren que el uso preventivo de dexametasona intramuscular puede aumentar el bienestar de los pacientes sometidos a cirugía oral, con el potencial de reducir los costos posoperatorios... (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Pain , Pain, Postoperative , Postoperative Complications , Postoperative Period , Surgery, Oral , Trismus , Dexamethasone , Molar, Third , Pain Measurement , Edema , Analgesics , Anti-Inflammatory Agents , Molar , Molar, Third/surgery
Cambios rev. méd ; 20(2): 94-102, 30 Diciembre 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1368417


INTRODUCCIÓN. La enfermedad relacionada con IgG4 es una patología fibroinflamatoria multiorgánica, de origen desconocido, que simula trastornos malignos, infecciosos e inflamatorios. Los criterios del American College of Rheumatology y la European League against Rheumatism 2019, son útiles para el diagnóstico diferencial de ésta enfermedad cuando se no se cuenta con evidencia de inmunoglobulina G4 en sangre. CASO CLÍNICO. Paciente hombre de 45 años de edad, nacido en Ambato-Ecuador, con ingreso en noviembre del 2017, en emergencias del Hospital de Especialidades Carlos Andrade Marín, con presencia de tos con hemoptisis leve, febrícula, astenia, pérdida de peso e hiporexia de dos semanas de evolución. Se realizó múltiples exámenes, tras observar infiltrados pulmonares intersticiales, con elevación de inmunoglobulina G en suero, negativas para malignidad; se sospechó de enfermedad relacionada a inmunoglobulina G4. Se ampliaron los estudios para descartar otras patologías más prevalentes y cuyo diferencial es primordial. Se inició tratamiento con prednisona y micofenolato con buena respuesta clínica; durante dos años. DISCUSIÓN. La evidencia científica registró que el hallazgo más importante en la enfermedad relacionada con inmunoglobulina G4 fue un aumento de sus niveles séricos. La recurrencia de la enfermedad en un órgano afectado o la aparición de un nuevo órgano involucrado pudo conducir al diagnóstico en el caso presentado. CONCLUSIÓN. La enfermedad relacionada con inmunoglobulina G4 al ser una patología heterogénea, inmunomediada, al simular otras afecciones puede retrasar el diagnóstico; se debe tener una alta sospecha clínica, si al excluir otros procesos infecciosos, autoinmunes y/o eoplásicos, hay evidencia de patología fibroesclerosante multiorgánica sin causa establecida.

INTRODUCTION. IgG4-related disease is a multiorgan fibroinflammatory pathology of unknown origin that mimics malignant, infectious, and inflammatory disorders. The criteria of the American College of Rheumatology and the European League against Rheumatism 2019 are useful for the differential diagnosis of this disease when there is no evidence of immunoglobulin G4 in blood. CLINICAL CASE. 45-year-old male patient, born in Ambato-Ecuador, with admission in November 2017, in the emergency room of the Hospital de Especialidades Carlos Andrade Marín, with the presence of cough with mild hemoptysis, fever, asthenia, weight loss and hyporexia of two weeks of evolution. Multiple tests were performed, after observing interstitial pulmonary infiltrates, with elevated serum immunoglobulin G, negative for malignancy; immunoglobulin G4-related disease was suspected. Studies were extended to rule out other more prevalent pathologies whose differential is paramount. Treatment with prednisone and mycophenolate was started with good clinical response; for two years. DISCUSSION. The scientific evidence recorded that the most important finding in immunoglobulin G4-related disease was an increase in its serum levels. Recurrence of the disease in an affected organ or the appearance of a new involved organ could have led to the diagnosis in the presented case. CONCLUSION. Immunoglobulin G4-related disease, being a heterogeneous, immune-mediated pathology, by simulating other conditions may delay diagnosis; a high clinical suspicion should be maintained if, when other infectious, autoimmune and/or neoplastic processes are excluded, there is evidence of multiorgan fibrosclerosing pathology without established cause.

Humans , Male , Adult , Immunoglobulin G4-Related Disease/diagnosis , Immunoglobulin G4-Related Disease/blood , Orbit/pathology , Parotid Gland/pathology , Bronchi/pathology , Biomarkers/blood , Diagnosis, Differential , Edema , Immunoglobulin G4-Related Disease/pathology , Hypertrophy , Lung/pathology